Bjärgas homestead & museum

Bjärgas homestead & museum


Larsmo Hembygdsförening runs the activities at Bjärga's museum area. Welcome to visit us on site in the middle of central Larsmo! We are open during the summer, but also accept visitors at other times if you call in advance

Bjärgas has a large collection of objects and pictures that tell about life in the Larsmo of bygone times. Among other things, the museum offers exhibitions about local war history, women's charm and toys.
At Bjärgas you can take part in objects, stories and environments that are connected to commoner life in Larsmo. In the various houses in the area, stories are told, among other things, about milk handling, washing and life in the archipelago.

Bjärgas Homeland Museum is widely known for the beautiful and extensive textile collection, as well as for the exciting toy exhibition.