There’s only one Jakobstad

You thought you’d seen it all, but that was before you discovered Jakobstad. Here, you’ll find things that can’t be seen, tasted, or felt anywhere else.

You thought you’d seen it all, but that was before you discovered Jakobstad. Here, you’ll find things that can’t be seen, tasted, or felt anywhere else.

Highlights all year round

Concerts, festivals, fairs, and exhibitions—Jakobstad is bustling with exciting events. Browse the events calendar to see what’s happening right now.

You’re in for a treat

Spirited outdoor activities or unforgettable cultural experiences? Here, you’ll find pastimes and adventures for all ages.

Fäboda – the sea is calling

Jakobstad is not least known for the beautiful Fäboda beach area. People come here to enjoy beach life and obstacle-free hiking trails, admire the sunset and expand their horizons.


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Beautiful memories

Share your adventures in Pietarsaari! Use the hashtags #visitjakobstad or #visitpietarsaari in your social media posts, and they might be displayed here.

🇫🇮 Tervetuloa Nanoqiin jännittävään lasten seikkailuun! 🐻‍❄️🔍🌲 Nanoq Adventure vie sinut matkalle, joka sisältää jääkarhubingon ja jännittävän tehtävän. Seikkailu sisältyy sisäänpääsymaksuun.

Hyppää Fäbodabussiin, joka kuljettaa sinut sujuvasti Nanoqiin, ja nauti hauskasta päiväretkestä koko perheen kanssa! Bussi kulkee kerran päivässä Nanoqiin ja takaisin (alle 4-vuotiaat lapset ilmaiseksi). Katso aikataulu videon lopusta. @ingsva_bus 

🇸🇪Välkommen till Nanoq på ett spännande barnäventyr!🐻‍❄️🔍🌲 Nanoq Adventure tar dig med på en resa som innehåller en isbjörnsbingo och en spännande uppgift. Äventyret ingår i inträdesavgiften.

Hoppa på Fäbodabussen för en smidig färd till Nanoq och njut av en rolig dagsutflykt för hela familjen! Bussen åker en gång om dagen till och från Nanoq (barn under 4 år gratis). Se tidtabellen i slutet av videon. @ingsva_bus 

🇬🇧Welcome to Nanoq for an exciting children’s adventure! 🐻‍❄️🔍🌲 Nanoq Adventure takes you on a journey that includes a polar bear bingo and an exciting task. The adventure is included in the entrance fee.

Hop on the Fäbodabus for a smooth ride to Nanoq and enjoy a fun day trip for the whole family! The bus goes once a day to and from Nanoq (children under 4 years old ride for free). See the schedule at the end of the video. @ingsva_bus
Discover the magic of Tyynelän tonttula! 🎅🏼🎄✨

You are warmly welcomed to Tyynelän tonttula, located at Västerbyvägen 238, 68560 Eugmo. This wonderful place is filled with fun and interesting things, including many christmas elves.🎅🏼 Here, you will also find old children’s toys, a dress museum, textiles, and items related to peasants. There is so much to discover — make sure to visit!

Tyynelän tonttula is open from 1-31.7, 11am to 6pm. Visits at other times can be arranged with Eija Porkola, the founder.

Entrance: 15€/adult, 5€/child